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Written by: The Orchard

"I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me."

Galatians 2:20

A group of people are standing in a church.

Many people call themselves Christians. The word Christian is a blanket term. But when it comes down to it, what does it mean to be a Christian? The answer might surprise you. Today, we are going to go into this topic in detail. But first, let’s pray for guidance in our efforts to become better Christians.

Prayer for Guidance

Dear Lord,

You are my Creator and Sustainer who holds the whole world in your gracious hands. Help me to know you truly and know myself truly. Thank you for the comfort of knowing I can rely on you without having to worry about my own imperfect understanding. I ask you to lead me according to your Word, guiding me away from falsehood and into your light. Direct my path according to your holy will. In Jesus Name – Amen

What Does It Mean to Be a Christian?

The first followers of Jesus and the disciples were called Christians. Fast forward to today, and the word Christian still means the same as it did back then.

A Christian is someone who follows Jesus. A Christian is someone whose life has been saved by God’s grace through the gospel—the good news about Jesus. The Gospel—revealed in the New Testament—is the good news that Jesus Christ is Lord, the King of the universe, who saves fallen human beings from sin and death through his sacrificial death and victorious resurrection. A Christian is someone who has responded to this message in faith and repentance, putting their whole trust in the Lord and turning decisively from their life of sin.

Having received Christ as Lord and full forgiveness in His sacrifice, the Christian begins experiencing new life in a personal relationship and fellowship with God. As a result of being saved by grace, the Christian responds out of love and freedom by obeying Jesus in all He taught and participating in His world-transforming mission.

This can be summed up as loving God with all your being and loving your neighbor as yourself, manifested in good deeds and words that bear witness to Christ. This new life of Christian holiness can only be lived through one key ingredient: grace—God’s unlimited supply of undeserved merit and strength in Christ.

How to Live and Act Like Jesus

In these dark times, Christians are called to be a shining beacon of light in a world full of darkness and evil. Christians should strive to live a life of integrity while doing good works and forsaking evil. Matthew 5:13-15, Philippians 2:14-16, 1 John 2:15-17

Here are some ways Christians are to live:

A group of Christians are sitting in a circle praying
  • Walk by faith and not by sight (living according to God’s promises and not our feelings).
  • Do all things—eating, drinking, working, etc.—for the glory of God.
  • Being gracious, forgiving, and compassionate.
  • Love and pray for your enemies.
  • Help the underprivileged, vulnerable, and abused. (James 1:27; 2:1-7, 14-17)
  • Look after the orphans and widows. (James 1:27)
  • Shield yourself with the word of God from the lies and temptations of the world.
  • Stand firm and do not waiver in your Christian beliefs, regardless of outside pressure. Recognize and reject those things that are wrong, even when normalized by the world.
  • Love the Lord with all your heart, mind, and soul.

Being a Christian Isn’t Just About Good Works

Scripture says: "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come." 2 Corinthians 5:17

What does that mean?

It means that once you become a Christian, God has done away with your old self dominated by sin and transformed you into a new creature indwelt by His own Spirit. As the opening verse of this article puts it: your old ways of living and thinking are gone; they have been "crucified" with Christ! Now, through the Holy Spirit, Jesus lives in you, giving you new desires and delights in the things of the Lord. In other words, your selfish and worldly pursuits are exchanged with a strong desire to follow and honor God, stemming from His life within you. 2 Corinthians 5:17

A life in Christ is one where you no longer live as the "lord" of your life; "it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me." (Galatians 2:20) It is a life lived "by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me."

In Christ, you will begin to see and experience the world in a new way—a much deeper, more meaningful way. That means your heart will begin to want to put others' needs before your own. And you will take delight in knowing that you are part of God's family and mission, reconciling a sinful world to Himself.

The Simple Yet Powerful Way to Live a Christian Life

There are plenty of things in Christianity that seem complicated and confusing. However, Jesus gave us clear direction when he preached the Sermon on the Mount which references the Golden Rule.

The words “Golden Rule” aren’t the actual words used in the Bible. However, over time, it has come to be known as the Golden Rule, which in today’s terminology says: Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.

A group of Christians are talking to each other in a room.

In the bible, it says this: “In everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this is the Law and the Prophets.” Matthew 7:12.

It’s really a very simple concept that means you should treat everyone (yes, everyone) the way you want them to treat you. Part of being a Christian is to treat everyone the way you want to be treated, regardless of how they are treating you.

The Golden Rule is a simple rule of conduct that is basically a summary of a Christian’s duty to his fellow man while confirming a fundamental ethical principle. This one rule, when followed, covers quite a few of The Ten Commandments and gives us a simple guideline to live by.

Can you just imagine what the world would be like if everyone followed this simple rule?

Sounds like Heaven, doesn’t it?


One of the best things you can do as a Christian is to find a Bible-based church that helps you grow in faith, hope, and love through the gospel of Jesus Christ. A spiritual family where you will find belonging and opportunities to serve and be served in the name of Christ.

We Invite You to Visit The Orchard, A Gospel-Centered Church

We would like to invite you to The Orchard at any of our six locations: Barrington, IL, Arlington Heights, IL, Itasca, IL, North Shore – Chicago, IL, Vernon Hills, IL, or Marengo, IL. We would love to have you as part of our Church family!

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12 Mar, 2024
In the spring of 2020 when all churches went online, my husband Ken and I started watching a few different services. Ken always enjoyed Pastor Colin on the radio, so we started watching the Arlington Heights and Barrington services where we saw great teaching from the pastors. We sensed it was time to make a move to a more biblically centered church, so we started to consider The Orchard our new church.  In the spring of 2021, Ken was diagnosed with stage 4 melanoma and was advised by his doctors to stay away from crowds because he was on chemotherapy and immunocompromised. So, we continued to watch from home. During that time, my bible study sisters of 25 years had started to attend the Barrington campus. In July 2022 Ken lost his battle with cancer and I found myself in the predicament of not being a member of a church to hold his service. We hadn’t attended our previous church in 2 years and no longer felt part of that community.
17 Feb, 2024
Dave and Dorothy Berry used their painful life experiences to help others grow in the knowledge of truth and hope through the gospel of Jesus Christ. They chose to use their leadership and expertise to support a local prison ministry assisting local incarcerated men and women.
Jazlynn Halloran leading a bible study
28 Nov, 2023
Jazlynn Halloran is the founder and leader of a local, faith-based 501C3, “Maker Girls by Design” intended to reach “at risk” girls and teens with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Jazlynn is just one of our church members who is SHINING the light of Jesus Christ in their community.
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