Heather English

Director of women's ministries | henglish@theorchard.church

Heather was born and raised in Arlington Heights, and God gave her the gift of saving faith at an early age. Heather and Jason were married in 2001 and started attending The Orchard in 2003. They have three children - Christopher, Carson, and Emilie - and love being involved in their schools and activities. Previously, Heather taught high school English while completing a Master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction. Then, she stayed home full-time for 13 years to serve her family, and later worked as an editor for Open the Bible. In 2021, she joined The Orchard staff. In her role, she leads women's LIFE Group ministry, women's events, and assists with pastoral care. Heather enjoys travel, music, reading, and being outdoors. She finds it an incredible privilege to help women understand the Gospel and apply it to their lives, as they disciple one another within the community of the church.

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