Clayton Cox

Clayton grew up in a Christian home in the Northwest Suburbs of Chicago. He has known Christ from a young age and was regularly taught God’s Word throughout his childhood. He experienced significant growth in his faith while at Marquette University, where he learned more about his Salvation by God’s grace alone. 

Clayton and his wife, Kari grew up together, dated throughout high school and college, and got married in 2017. Once married, they started attending The Orchard Itasca and quickly became members. Clayton has been a LIFE Group Leader for the last three years, served as the Welcome Team Leader, and with Awana as a Group Leader. Kari has also served with Awana as a Group Leader, served on the Welcome Team, and now serves in the nursery. Clayton, Kari, and Judah are deeply committed to attending The Orchard Itasca and doing life with their church family, building each other up in love.

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