Alfredo Alonso

Alfredo was born in Elk Grove Village, raised in Wood Dale and bought a home in Itasca a few months before he got married. He received his degree from TMA and is currently working on an advanced degree at WGU. Alfredo works as a Plant Manager for Dental Technologies in Lincolnwood, IL. His days consist of leading a manufacturing facility by day and loving and caring for his beautiful wife our two-year-old son. Alfredo’s brother, Daniel and his wife also attend The Orchard. In July of 1997 Alfredo realized his need for a Savior and put his trust in Christ at a revival meeting at his childhood church. His Pastor, Pablo Rodriguez, opened the scriptures and presented the Gospel to him. He was baptized a few months after that. The Alonso’s have attended The Orchard since October 2018 and became members in the spring of 2019. Alfredo has served as LIFE Group leader and currently serves as a greeter, scripture reader and preschool teacher in Orchard Kids.

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